Creating a line fork (incl. a connection point)

How to create a line fork in the â†’graphical FBD-editor:

  1. Point to the line.

  2. Press and hold the primary mouse button, then move the mouse pointer onto a free node of an FBD-elements within the drawing field.
    Result: Neuron Power Engineer inserts a connection point (= the red node) onto the line.

  3. Release the primary mouse button.

Variant: It is also possible to insert the connection point onto the line at first and to create the line fork afterwards:

  1. Double click onto the line where you want to create the connection point. Alternative: Position the mouse cursor over the line and press the J-key.


    Line with the created connection point

  2. Point to the connection point.

  3. Create the line fork as described above.

See "Connecting FBD-elements by lines" about the basic functionality how lines are created, if the line is e.g. highlighted as faulty.